Discover The Dangers Of Smoking And Why You Should Quit

Released on = August 24, 2006, 11:28 am

Press Release Author = Tony James

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Everybody including smokers know that smoking is extremely
harmful for health. Even we were young, we were taught that smoking clogs up our
lungs and blackens it.

Press Release Body = Everybody including smokers know that smoking is extremely
harmful for health. Even we were young, we were taught that smoking clogs up our
lungs and blackens it. Yet perhaps the image of smoking is highly endorsed by movies
in Hollywood making believe that smoking is a lifestyle.
For starters, there are various ways to consume tobacco. It can be chewed, inhaled
from cigarettes and cigars. It doesn't matter how it's taken. All of it is harmful
and the medical field and media have been paying attention to this issue for years.
When a puff of cigarette is inhaled into the body, nicotine along with other
chemicals will enter the blood stream almost immediately. In fact, any single
cigarette would contain more than 4000 chemicals an many of the chemicals are toxic.
Smoke from cigarettes contains 43 carcinogenic substances and even 400 other toxins
which are also found in rat poison, wood varnish and nail polish remover. Imagine
consuming these chemicals and the effect and damage it can do to your body.
Many cancer patients are as a result of smoking. Smoking is also the cause 90% of
lung cancer. Smoking can also lead to other types of cancers such as urinary
bladder, stomach, kidney, mouth, pancreas, larynx and esophagus.
Smoking can also cause other types of diseases besides cancer such as emphysema and
bronchitis which can be fatal.
Generally, smokers have short life-span compared to non-smokers. Smoking can take
away 15 years of your life due to the exposure of your body to highly toxic
substances contained in cigarettes.
People who smoke are putting their love ones and friends at risk. Second hand smoke
are actually known to be more hazardous than first hand smoke. This is harmful
especially to children who are on a growing process of body development. Children
who are exposed to second hand smoke have risks of having bronchitis, pneumonia, ear
infections and also asthma.
Smoking is extremely dangerous to the unborn child. The risk of miscarriage is
higher if a mother is smoking. Bleeding and nausea is also one of the many effects
that a smoking mother suffers. Their babies may have sudden infant death syndrome,
or may go through health complications when growing up.
So start quitting now and start a brand new life. Give life, joy and happiness to
your love ones as they deserve it.
Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit
smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

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Contact Details = Tony James,

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